"taleS froM the trencheS

National Guard wife blogging about her adventures with three sons and the unexpected joys of Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS)
....um, yes. They are tears of joy. Really.

Our Squad

Our Squad

Friday, April 6, 2012

Today was going to be the first of my Friday's "SMileS" spot:  Pictures or videos of our kids with SMS and the amazing things they have accomplished. 

Of course, like any proud momma, I have a million of my son-but, I was also going to ask my fellow SMS Moms to share their pictures. 

However, yesterday my husband received some devasting news about his fellow Ohio National Guardsmen:


Our hearts go out their wives and children.

No one feels like smiling today.

1 comment:

  1. I came by to say hi, and was very saddened to read about this. Praying for their families today, especially during this holiday weekend.


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